- Az anyagi világ természete az állandó változás. Ez önmagában végtelen lehetőségek tárházát nyitja meg. A mikrokozmosz, ahogy a makrokozmosz, állandóan mozgásban van. Hatás, ellenhatás, kölcsönhatás, egyensúly ismerős fogalmak a fizika óráról.
A mozgásban az ellentétek megszűnnek. A kínai filozófiában az állandóan mozgó és szakadatlanul változó valóságot taónak nevezik, és olyan kozmikus folyamatnak tekintik, amelyben minden dolog benne foglaltatik. Einstein úgy fogalmazott, hogy "minden energia".
- Practice relaxed but focused. Stay open to all possibilities.
- Get balanced. Be happy. Laugh. Observe.
- Act with an effortless attention. Take resposibility. Be grateful.
- Live in the present moment. Accept. Take it easy. Breath.
Find your flow and let it be. Don’t worry. Be flexible.
- Love yourself. Free your mind. Listen to your body.
- Feel inspired. Keep up. Get into the groove. Don’t wait, do it.
- Be kind. Listen and learn. Become aware. Practice. Realize.
- Connect with your inner genius. Be yourself. Give.
- Smile. Make continuous progress. Don’t get comfortable.
Play it cool. Keep moving and enjoy the journey.
- Things change. It’s a fact of life. The world is constantly changing and we are a part of that change. This clearly offers you lots of possibilities. Be aware of them, learn to use them in a proper way. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, you know that since you were in grade school.
Every each of your cells is in constant movement, the whole universe is in movement. In motion opposites fold together. Find your balance. Enjoy every colour of the palette, enjoy life as a flow of changes. "Maybe there are no particle positions and velocities, but only waves." – as said Stephen Hawking.
- YOGABOG teaches a comprehensive view of yoga, looking beyond asana style and into the very purpose of each aspect of yoga. It is an intellectually stimulating practice based on the Asthanga Yoga of Patanjali and shows the principles and practices which may be brought into daily life to create stability and to enrich our lives with energy and flow. Thus we return to balance.
- Based in Budapest, Hungary since 2005, YOGABOG offers private classes, group lessons, courses, thematic workshops, training & coaching for individuals and corporations as well as in schools in various fields and styles of yoga, movement and well-being in Hungarian, English, French, Spanish & Italian.
- For further information & enquiries please contact YOGABOG.
- Boglarka Boroczffy-Farkas, certified yoga teacher, writer, MA in Comparative Literature and Cultural Management, performer and choreographer, founder of YOGABOG and YogaFun program has been practicing and teaching yoga for more than a decade. Boglarka keeps her teaching and her own practice fresh through frequent trips to Asia, Europe and the Americas to study directly with authentic masters of Hatha, Asthanga and Iyengar traditions.
- Besides her classes, workshops given in Hungary she’s a traveling teacher with experience in five continents. Based on her professional experience as a diversely trained dancer and performer as well as on her psychological, physiological and therapeutic studies she created Conscious Movement Training and YogaDANCE.
- Boglarka is a qualified and experienced teachers bringing yoga into your daily life that will reflect movement, breath, relaxation, meditation, nutrition and rest as rich sources of fuel for the many fires of lifes creations.
- Her teaching style is precise, thorough and inspiring. Students feel comfortable with Boglarka, as she helps them expand their boundaries, increase their flexibility and stamina, and gain health and confidence. In her classes she focuses on making students feel comfortable and safe in their practice while having fun. Breath awareness, correct anatomical alignment, balance, strength and stability are emphasized in class, leading to harmony of body, mind and spirit.
“My classes boil down to mindfulness in body, mind and spirit. Deep listening to inner wisdom. Love for life, self and the world around us. These concepts naturally lead to and unfold from physical practices that encourage breathing, sometimes sweating, unearthing strenght, releasing, stretching and relaxing.”
- Masters
Sri Louise, Sri Surinder Singh, Ruth Lauer-Manenti, Swami Veda Bharati, Swami Ritavan Bharati, Swami Ma Radha Bharati, Ashutosh Sharma, Yogi Swami Anandadevananda Saraswati, Mahinder Kapoor, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Tenigl-Takács László, Bálint János, Maa Gyaan